
DFTB+ user mailing list

Join this list if you have questions about handling the code, or if you want to exchange information with other DFTB+ users or developers and to share your experience with DFTB+ with them. There are two public mailing lists related to DFTB+:

  • Subscribe: Send an empty email to with the single word SUBSCRIBE as subject. You will get an email to confirm your list membership. Just reply to this email without changing its subject or its content. (Note, the link in the email won’t work for technical reasons, you have to confirm your membership by email.)

  • Discuss: send emails to (Only contributions from subscribed email addresses are accepted!)

  • Unsubscribe: In case you want to unsubscribe, send an email to with the single word UNSUBSCRIBE as subject. Then you would have to confirm the unsubscription by email, similar how you have done it for the subscription.

DFTB+ announce mailing list

Subscribe to this (read-only) list if you would like to be notified about new releases of DFTB+.

  • Subscribe: Send an empty email to with the single word SUBSCRIBE as subject. You will get an email to confirm your list membership. Just reply to this email without changing its subject or its content. (Note, the link in the email won’t work for technical reasons, you have to confirm your membership by email.)

  • Unsubscribe: In case you want to unsubscribe, send an email to with the single word UNSUBSCRIBE as subject. Then you would have to confirm the unsubscription by email, similar how you have done it for the subscription.

DFTB+ Twitter / X account

  • We tweet important DFTB+ related news (new releases, schools, interesting DFTB/xTB related papers) at the DFTB+ Twitter account.

Issue tracker

If you think to have found an issue with the code (e.g. a bug) or have a feature request, please use our issue tracker to report it.


DFTB+ comes on an as-is basis without official support. However, we have an active user community, so that problems can be discussed and are usually resolved in very short time.

If you plan to integrate DFTB+ into your software package, please contact us directly, so that we can eventually provide specific support to your efforts.